Our regulatory body is the Care Quality Commission (CQC). We provide our care according to the National Care Standards. These set out clear guidelines of what is required and expected from service providers (ourselves). We recognise that these standards are for the benefit of our clients welfare and therefore we work hard towards achieving these standards
(CQC) Care Quality Commission periodically check that we are meeting the standards. They make a full written report which becomes a public document. They publish their reports for the public. Please either request a copy and I will be happy to forward or you can look up our latest reports, which can be found at CQC
Our regulatory body is the Care Quality Commission (CQC). We provide our care according to the National Care Standards. These set out clear guidelines of what is required and expected from service providers (ourselves). We recognise that these standards are for the benefit of our clients welfare and therefore we work hard towards achieving these standards
(CQC) Care Quality Commission periodically check that we are meeting the standards. They make a full written report which becomes a public document. They publish their reports for the public. Please either request a copy and I will be happy to forward or you can look up our latest reports, which can be found at CQC
People were happy with the service and the care they received. Feedback included, "I am really happy here," and "I love it here." In addition, relatives told us, "[Name] enjoys it there and is always happy and smiley," and "We feel we have been so lucky. [Name] is in the right place completely."
Staff told us they worked together as a team and felt supported. Feedback included, "We work as a team. There are [staff] to lean on and support you" and "I am supported and have been since I started."
Health professionals working with the service spoke positively about the experience. Feedback included, "They are incredibly compassionate. They have gone above and beyond for [Name]'s care needs. They have adopted all suggestions from our team" and "They are valued for the skills they bring. [The registered manager] knows what to looks out for. They adapt to the needs of people. It is very good quality care."
Relatives told us they were always welcome at the service to visit their loved ones. One relative told us, "My [relative] visits every afternoon. They look after my [relative] too."
People and relatives were consistently positive about the service and the registered manager. People told us, "I love it here" and "I'm really happy here. It is my home."
Relatives feedback included, "We feel really, really comfortable with [staff]. It's all about being a homely friendly, environment. We feel we have been so lucky" and "Whenever I need anything [the registered manager] is there."
Staff were happy in their role and felt supported by the registered manager. Feedback included, "I love working here the residents are so nice and the staff. I am supported by [the registered manager] and have been since I started," "People know they can go to [the registered manager], they will listen and sort things," and "The management team are doing a good job. I love it here."
Extracts from latest CQC report August 2023